While most of us go out of our way to be safe drivers, the reality is that we are not immune to minor mistakes behind the wheel. Indeed, even the most cautious among us will occasionally exceed the posted speed limit or go before their turn at a four-way stop. Even...
Month: February 2016
Nearly half of those in federal prisons have drug-based sentences
The "War on Drugs" has been going on for decades, and it has changed the prison population significantly. It's been reported that almost half of the people in federal prisons are there due to drug charges. The official total, according to the statistics kept by the...
Are further domestic violence-related firearm restrictions on the way?
It may come as a surprise to many people to learn that Tennessee has some of the strictest laws in the nation when it comes to the possession or purchase of firearms by those individuals convicted of domestic violence charges. However, recent reports indicate that...
How a rare medical condition resulted in a DUI arrest – II
A few weeks back, our blog began discussing a fascinating story concerning a woman from Upstate New York who was arrested for driving under the influence and found to have an astounding blood alcohol content of 0.33 despite the fact that she had consumed only four...