During and after a criminal arrest in Tennessee, law enforcement officers and many others on prosecution and defense teams may be actively involved in reviewing facts and evidence to support their assertions. This may even involve attempting to locate and collect...
Month: June 2017
Grand jurors versus petit jurors
When hearing reports about a grand jury indictment, many people in Tennessee may or may not know that this is not the same thing as any decision made by a petit jury. There are distinct differences between grand juries and petit juries and their associated...
How many people are arrested for DUI in Tennessee?
Have you been arrested for and charged with a drunk driving offense in Tennessee? Or, do you know someone who is facing driving under the influence charges? Either way, one thing that can be helpful at a time like this is to know that you are far from the only person...
Important factors in an embezzlement charge
If you have heard stories of people being accused of embezzling in Tennessee, you probably have some idea that embezzlement entails some form of theft. However, if you ever find yourself on the other end of an embezzlement accusation, understanding a bit more about...
Use of police body cameras in Tennessee
People who have had interactions with law enforcement officers in Tennessee may have noticed that the officers were wearing and using body cameras to capture video of their interactions and associated events. Anyone who has been charged with a crime should be aware of...
What are types of release from jail or prison?
If you have been arrested in Tennessee you are no doubt starting to wonder what may happen to you. Depending upon the reason for your arrest and the circumstances of your case, including the presence of any prior offenses on your record, the results of your arrest may...