People who are arrested for drug-related offenses in Tennessee may sometimes have problems with drug addiction or even mental health issues. These factors can complicate matters greatly and make moving on from a drug arrest harder than for people without addiction or...
Month: February 2017
Man to be sentenced in December for 2015 accident
Alabama residents who have ever been arrested and charged with a serious crime understand how scary this experience can be. Sometimes a person's actions become part of accidents that leave them facing serious penalties that can last a lifetime. Such is the case...
Sex offender registration alleged unconstitutional
Every person in Tennessee is guaranteed some basic rights even if convicted of a criminal offense. That is part of what people in the United States are supposed to be able to count on thanks to the U.S. Constitution and its Amendments. However, sometimes it seems that...
Driver charged after refusing chemical test
Tennessee's laws on drunk driving are tough. Penalties for impaired driving offenses have increased over the past few decades, making things very difficult at times for residents who are charged with these crimes. Many parts of a person's life can be hindered after an...
Man enters guilty plea to eight felony charges
Tennessee residents accused of crimes like money laundering can know how fine the line is in these situations between criminal activity and misunderstood realities. Evidence in these cases is very important in helping to identify the difference. One man was earlier...
Tips on job hunting with a criminal record
Tennessee residents who have ever been arrested or convicted of a crime have more than simply serving a sentence to be concerned about. Even once all fines are paid, jail time served and other obligations met, the reality is that a criminal record can still pose a...
Drug crime reports in Tennessee
If you or someone you know has been arrested and charged with a drug crime in Tennessee, you may feel scared or even alone. However, you are not alone as many other people in the state have experienced drug-related arrests. Among the many things to remember at a time...
Law enforcement officer accused of online solicitation
To some people in Tennessee, it may seem that law enforcement officials consider themselves above the law at times. Despite the number of high-ranking public officials, corporate executives and other people deemed to be "respectable" citizens, it is sometimes...
Social media video used in drug crime arrest
Before a person can be arrested in Nebraska for drugs or any other crime, law enforcement must have sufficient evidence to support making an arrest. This evidence can come in many forms. For one man who was recently arrested, that evidence came in the form of a social...
Heroin and opioid abuse in Tennessee
Tennessee residents who have been charged with drug crimes or other crimes in which drugs may have been a factor may know better than anyone else how serious the problem of drug addiction can really be. The effect these substances can have on the body and the mind can...