People who face criminal charges often have mental health challenges. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system does not always address mental health. When underlying issues are not dealt with, criminal offenders are likely to repeat, which is a costly cycle. The...
Month: January 2019
Drug bust leads to arrest of 12 people
Tennessee law enforcement agencies are determined to crack down on drug trafficking and sales in the state. As a result, people from all walks of life are getting arrested and charged with serious drug crimes. For example, on Jan. 16, narcotics agents from the Monroe...
States consider restrictive DUI reforms
Drunk driving laws in Tennessee and across the country may be heading toward more restrictive limits on alcohol consumption if one scientific panel has its way. The panel was charged with developing a plan to cut down on the risks of fatalities or serious injuries...
The many forms of financial abuse
Financial abuse is one of many tactics used by an individual in an effort to control his or her spouse or partner. There are many different forms of financial abuse such as not allowing a victim to benefit from an asset or to obtain information about the family...
Jail time and fines typical penalties after first DUI arrest
Traffic patrol officers in Tennessee constantly watch for signs of intoxicated drivers. People pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving will generally be asked to take some type of sobriety or breath test. Failing a test will result in arrest. People who refuse to...
Don’t let a theft accusation ruin your life
If you have been accused of theft in a retail store in the state of Tennessee, you may be wondering about how a guilty charge could affect your life in the future. Being found guilty of petty theft, shoplifting or burglary could have many negative implications on your...