Tennessee residents who have wondered what may happen if they are accused of a sex crime have good reason to be concerned. A criminal charge can have a long-lasting effect on a person’s life. If convicted, a defendant may find it difficult to get a job or a place to...
Month: April 2016
Definitions of rape and sexual battery in Tennessee
To many people in Tennessee, rape and sexual battery may be easily confused. However, the reality is that they are two distinctly different crimes. It is important for anyone who has been accused of either rape or sexual battery to know what each one is and how the...
Can you trust the results of a breath test?
Have you been arrested for drunk driving in Tennessee? If so, you may well feel scared and nervous about what consequences you may face if you are ultimately convicted. If you took a breath test when you were arrested, you may wonder about the accuracy of that test...
Drug and alcohol charges face baseball coach
Being arrested on suspicion of criminal activity such as drunk driving can be a very scary event for Tennessee residents. Many situations can factor into a person’s ability to drive properly or to pass a field sobriety test. Failing these tests does not...