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Two University of Tennessee football players face drug charges

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Drug Crimes

On Oct. 25, two football players for the University of Tennessee were suspended from the team after they were cited for possession of marijuana. The two were reportedly charged after authorities conducted a traffic stop on their vehicle in Knoxville the previous evening.

Officers reportedly stopped the vehicle at about 10:46 p.m. because it had a headlight out. When officers approached the vehicle, it was noted that there was a strong odor of marijuana coming from the car. The driver, a running back for the Vols, consented to a search of the vehicle after both players exited the car. During the search, officers stated that they found a substance that appeared to be marijuana and paraphernalia that was commonly used to smoke the drug.

Neither player reportedly took ownership of the substance and paraphernalia, so both individuals were cited. The running back was charged with being in possession of a Schedule 6 drug. Additionally, he was cited for not having proof of insurance and not having a functioning headlight. The other player, a linebacker for the Vols, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.

In Tennessee, even the most minor of drug crimes, such as personal possession, can carry steep consequences. In some cases, just being accused of being in possession could cause a person to lose his or her job, be kicked out of school or lose other opportunities. If he or she is convicted, incarceration and a criminal record can make it difficult to move on. A criminal law attorney may defend a client against such accusations by holding the prosecutors to their burdens of proof.

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