College students sometimes engage in illegal activity that can impact their eligibility for federal financial aid. Here is what you should know about this topic. What will not make your child ineligible for federal aid? Drug charges no longer disqualify a student from...

Experience Counts
Artificial intelligence can lead to wrongful convictions
Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming a driving force in our daily lives. Whether it allows a favorite streaming service to recommend movies or helps drivers navigate their next road trip, most people rely upon some form of artificial intelligence throughout the...
Legal defenses for public intoxication charges
Tennessee has scores of distilleries and drinking establishments. Despite its party atmosphere, it is still against the law to be drunk out in public. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says millions of people binge drink at least once per week. Since many...
How the number of drunk-driving crashes fell in Utah
Statistics from a state that instituted stricter drunk driving laws seem to indicate that a similar law change in other states could benefit the public. How could stricter drunk driver laws keep people safer? Utah changed its legal limit In almost every state in the...
3 ways police and prosecutors establish the intent to distribute
Many people caught with drugs will face possession charges. However, it is sometimes possible for the police or state prosecutors to turn a straightforward possession case into a case of possession with intent to distribute. Defendants in such cases face serious...
How officers in Tennessee test for intoxicated driving
Imagine a police officer in Tennessee suspects you are driving while intoxicated. After you step out of your vehicle, the officer will likely instruct you to perform three roadside tests. Knowing what to expect during these exams may help you perform them better....
What’s the difference in Tennessee between murder and manslaughter?
Criminal offenses related to the death of a human being are among the most serious charges. How does Tennessee differentiate between manslaughter and murder? Murder involves intent Although the consequences of both murder and manslaughter are the death of someone,...
What are the different types of property crimes?
Tennessee property crimes vary, depending on the circumstances. It is easy to get confused about the different categories of theft, robbery and burglary. When planning a defense, it is imperative to assess which charge applies to the situation. How do theft, robbery...
What all Tennessee drivers need to know about the points system
When a police officer writes you a ticket, they don't just force you to pay money that you would rather spend elsewhere. They also affect your driver's license. Tennessee, like many other states, has a point system that affects people's driver's licenses. Every time...
When might there be an arrest for public intoxication?
When there is an intoxication-related arrest in Tennessee, people will often link it to driving under the influence. However, there can also be an arrest for simply being intoxicated in public. Certain elements must be in place for a person to be charged with public...