Even if you understand the seriousness of drinking and driving, there may come a day when you let your good time get the best of you. Rather than control your drinking or call for a ride, you jump behind the wheel and assume you are "sober enough" to reach your...

Experience Counts
Involuntary intoxication as a drunk driving defense
All Tennessee drivers should know it is illegal and unsafe for them to operate a vehicle if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over 0.08%. Drivers should track how much alcohol they have been consuming in the hours before they operate a vehicle. Of course, it...
Possible defenses to domestic violence allegations
Allegations of domestic violence are taken seriously by law enforcement, because many people die each year at the hands of a person with whom they are living. However, many domestic violence allegations result from petty fights or are fueled by alcohol and drugs. In...
Can I use my stealing addiction as a form of defense?
Addictions can come in many forms. Having an addiction to stealing or shoplifting is a recognized condition, known as kleptomania. You may not be aware that you have kleptomania, but if you find yourself compulsively stealing, it is possible that you meet the...
Types of theft crimes in Tennessee
Not all instances of theft are treated the same under the law. For example, being found guilty of stealing property from a shop will be treated differently than the act of engaging in fraud or not paying what is owed at a restaurant. If you have been accused of theft...
Understanding the defenses to the charge of public intoxication
Drunk driving is illegal in all states, of course. What many people do not realize is that being drunk and disorderly in a public place can be a crime. If you have been accused of public intoxication in Tennessee, it is vital that you take the time to fully understand...
The consequences of a first offense DUI in Tennessee
If you are facing DUI charges for the first time, you are likely worried about the consequences. Below are three common questions that arise when a person is facing a DUI charge for the first time. What counts as a first-offense DUI in Tennessee? Surprisingly, you may...
How to respond to a domestic-abuse allegation
Domestic-violence allegations can be complicated. While all domestic-violence allegations should be treated seriously, there can be strategic reasons why a spouse may want to seek a restraining order or Order of Protection. If you have been accused of domestic...
Understanding child endangerment DUI charges
If you are found to be driving over the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit of .08 percent, you will be arrested and will face a DUI charge. It is up to you how you defend yourself against this charge. How you are charged will depend on other factors....
Woman charged in Chattanooga police officer’s death
By now, everyone in Chattanooga is familiar with the tragic death of city police officer Nicholas Galinger this past weekend. He was struck late Saturday while inspecting a manhole cover on Hamill Road. The driver did not stop at the scene, police and news sources...